Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mindy Kaling lands new NBC Deal (Kelly from The Office)

According to some reports, NBC signed The Office's Mindy Kaling to a two-year, seven-figure overall deal. Cha-Ching!! She'll still get to write and appear in The Office for next season while developing a new series where she will star.

How sweet is that? Did you check out her Janet Jackson outfit on Casual Friday this past week's episode? She has the greatest lines and her on again-off again relationship with BJ Novak's character has been a highlight for me.

Another great episode was when ping-pong was played and she talked trash to Pam.

Here are some other fun facts about Mindy:

- She goes by Mindy, but that’s actually her middle name. Her birth name is Vera. “Mindy” comes from the TV show “Mork and Mindy.”

- She was born in Nigeria

- She's got brains! She graduated from Dartmouth, and also writes and produces for “The Office.”

- Mindy’s real parents appeared in an episode of “The Office” that she wrote

- Follow her Twitter and her blog

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