Monday, March 10, 2008

Eliot Spitzer No.9

Wow, bomb drops on Eliot Spitzer (or did he drop it himself so the mob won't have any power over him?). Affectionately known as Customer "No. 9", Spitzer today admitted being a part of a prostituion ring...aka I love hookers!

Some other fun facts include a ranking system for the prostitutes (on a 1 to 7 diamond system) and payments of $1,000 to $5,500 PER HOUR!!!! Were they also giving out insider trading tips during these intimate sessions??

The heartbreaker is that he visited one of his hookers on February 13th. No wait, the heartbreaker is that he has 3 kids and his wife is stickin' with him.

New York Politics = Dirty (in more ways than one)!

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