Wednesday, November 7, 2007

30 Rock - quality TV - UPDATED!

Alec Baldwin is brilliant in this scene. We are going to miss the writers.

UPDATED WITH LIVE LINK!! You can't stop me, YouTube!


Anonymous said...

this is exactly why they are striking - they want a piece everytime we click on something on youtube or elsewhere...
30Rock will be done shooting now this friday - there are 3 banked so we'll have a few more weeks!

Anonymous said...

best scene on tv.

Anonymous said...

phew! at least we have a few more left. this bit was HIlarious!

Christopher said...

Hey what happened? It says it's not available anymore. Now I wont know what's so funny...unless of course that was your plan all along?

KDIGGS said...

youtube busted us!

Unknown said...

is this show going off the air?

- clueless in hk

KDIGGS said...

jenn? one more month?

KDIGGS said...

Hey Ueda - I updated the link. check it out now.

Christopher said...

Yes very funny. Thank you. I will Tivo it from now on.

Unknown said...

dangit!! i miss american television...that was a great clip ken. i'munna steal it and puts it on my blog for the two other peeps who reads it outsida yous, anges, jens, and dannys...
