Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New Shows

Well, now that I've had a chance to watch some of the new TV fall shows, I gotta say that the shows from last season are still on tops. Heroes has gotten a lot better. And COULD get a lot better if they got rid of the really annoying Mexican pair trying to cross the border with our resident evil, Sylar/Gabriel/Mr. evil look as the scene is ending.

30 Rock continues to be hilarious. I really like the character, Kenneth. he is hilarious. reminds me of a friend. And the indian dude (assistant to Jack) is getting funnier.

The Office is great this season. We need to bring back some drama for Jim. Maybe bring back his ex?

I think Tracy Morgan is really crazy. I think they had to call him Tracy on the show b/c he probably wouldn't respond to another name.

Pushing Daises is the front runner for me for Best New TV Show.

Journeyman anyone? Life? Cain? Bionic Woman? When is Project Runway coming back? really sick of the spinoffs...want the real deal with Heidi Klum!


Anonymous said...

30 Rock is the best show on air. The Office is second. Just watched some ABC shows on the internet out of necessity and stumbled upon Samantha Who starring Christina it's good! honest.

KDIGGS said...

Yes, I have heard good things about do you like the online experience?

KDIGGS said...

I SO called that! Bringin' back the ex for Jim!