This Brody guy is so nice, but if you think about it he's such a slut ...gets blamed for starting the sex tape rumor via Jen via Heidi. Drama in da hizzle fo schizzle.
Brody is really not being straight up. He knows who did what and finally fesses up. His alliances are now with LC, not Werewolf (aka Spencer) or Heidi...
Whitney is always saying she went to sleep at 10pm. Does she have a life? Someone ask her out or something! Argh.
Jen is such a gossip. She's one of those girls that say, "I hate to say this, but..." I give her props though b/c she steps to Heidi, who is falling deeper and deeper into her own world.
Did Spencer really do it though?? Gives off a really evil smile. (good job editing, MTV)!
i think mtv did it.
I'm sorry to say that I have not been keeping up with the Hills. I did see a new show called Who's the most smartest model. Or something to that effect. It's got Ben Stein so I watched it.
New iPhone really? Please don't tease me.
I'm serious ueda. best thing to do is wait. You'll really be happy.
Yea, saw that smart model show - but it looked really bad and the models aren't really THAT hot.
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