What is the deal with LC? She really repulses a lot of people and has even gotten on the nerves of her best bud, Audrina. Mainly b/c of her deadbeat mute boyfriend - Justin/Bobby. Loser.
What's great is Elodie. She administers such sweet sweet revenge on Heidi. Did I tell you that she was on my friend's softball team in LA? She looks like she could really put a hurt on a softball!
Elodie lies and says she'll cover Heidi for the Emmy's while Heidi shamelessly goes on her anniversary dinner at some crappy Mexican restaurant.
I really dig the fact that Spencer really does nothing and is beginning to resemble a young bushy Teen Wolf character with his unsightly facial hair.
Frankie is also beginning to become an annoying character. But I like the objectivity of Brody in assessing people's relationships. Somthing to be learned here? Nah. Not unless you like to put a colored custom-fitting cast on your broken pinky. ha ha
OMG, why does Frankie make out with Lo?? She is the coolest personality though.
i totally don't remember that scene. Thanks for the recap! I would never have known that. Also, appreciate the insightful commentary on Spencer's facial hair. Lol! teen wolf was way cooler though.
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