Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tom Cruise set to star in Mission Impossible IV

I am a huge huge fan of the Mission Impossible series. I remember watching it growing up, so when it became a movie with Tom Cruise I was stoked. And it was great. Until the 2nd one. Which really sucked, even though John Woo was the director (had pigeons flying and everything).

They went for the emotional angle for MI III, hiring my homeboy JJ Abrams to direct. You know, of Alias fame. He had all those touchy-feely story lines and the villain was expertly played by Phillip Seymour-Hoffman.

JJ Abrams is BACK as director, and Tom Cruise has agreed to play Ethan Hawke for Mission Impossible IV, and yes, it is coming out of Paramount Studios, not Tom's ill-fated MGM Studios that he bought.

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