Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Nylon Magazine Sucks!

I've tried to subscribe to Nylon Magazine for A for awhile now and they are really crappy at their customer service. I ordered through their website and this was July 2007. It takes 8-12 weeks to get your first copy of a magazine once you order it. How come it takes that long in the first place?? 12 weeks is 4 months from the time you put in the order. So I wait until mid-November, call in December, get told that their systems are getting migrated to a new customer system and to call back in a few weeks since they are unable to look up my information. So I wait until Mid Jan to call. Same story. Just called again, and yet again, in another "10 days" their systems will be up. Do they NOT CARE about getting people to sign up for their magazine? Don’t' they want to get more subscribers? You can't even order the magazine now if you WANTED to b/c they don't have their systems up and running. What kind of idiots are running this magazine?? I just want my money back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was looking forward to my nylon magazine. . . too bad. they do suck.